Tech Layoffs: Future IT Jobs May Have Shorter Tenures

Technology has been a helpful factor for at least the past three decades as it helps us do our work with more effectiveness and accuracy. This factor has only increased in this decade as technology has helped humans evolve and create machines that can do comparatively faster work. Also, it has created various jobs in the IT industry as people are now learning and being aware of this in large amounts.

However, this scenario has backfired as nowadays we are seeing a new thing which is tech layoffs in the IT industry and it has certainly created a wave of tension and challenges around the future in this industry. Organizations are now adapting the new technologies and removing people whom once they found eligible and highly important to their goals. This is creating a perspective that future IT jobs might not survive even this much and have shorter tenures.

The layoffs in only the first quarter of 2024 are so tense and in huge numbers, as CNBC has identified that it is surpassing the layoff limit of 2023. The amount has already reached 42,324 tech employees who were let go within the IT industry and it has only created the worst nightmare for future jobs.

This might be troubling but one thing that seems true is that humans cannot be so easily replaced by IT as there are still people who are the best at transforming their skills into quality work. So, keeping this aspect in mind it is also true that these people in disciplines like data science, AI, automation, project management, and HR are always going to be in demand as their skills and human touch are irreplaceable.

The importance of human skills is still relevant but the overall scenario for IT jobs currently seems dire as there are a lot of people that are jobless or were terminated due to tech layoffs. So, the conclusion is that future IT jobs may seem to be of short tenures and people need to develop some extra technical or even non-technical skills to survive. If you think that the future of IT jobs is not safe and needs to be reassessed, then feel free to comment and share your wisdom for better future development.

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