On a more specific note, in 2024, AI is expected to offer new applications that are as groundbreaking as they are of immense value. Here are three different uses of AI that have not been attempted before and might happen this year accordingly.


Coral reefs are crucial ecosystems that provide habitat for a diverse range of organisms and protect coastal areas. However, they are facing threats from climate change and pollution. Traditional restoration methods have not been successful in reversing damage. Researchers have developed an artificial neural network using detailed data analysis to predict suitable locations for coral restoration based on species sensitivity, water temperature, and the presence of other marine life.

AI technology was deployed on drones over The Great Barrier Reef to collect data for restoration. The acquired information helped identify the best areas to transplant corals, leading to record-high success rates in restoration efforts. This groundbreaking use of AI not only aids in marine life preservation but also supports the global trend in restoration projects


In 2024, AI development will utilize natural language processing and machine learning to deliver personalized learning experiences. This AI education system will integrate platforms to create personalized, comprehensive curriculums and adapt teaching materials based on each student’s learning patterns and understanding. Implementing AI in education will enhance student engagement, mastery of concepts, and knowledge acquisition, bridging learning gaps for students facing challenges. This advancement in education technology will usher in a new era of more effective and inclusive learning systems


In 2024, a new AI caring system based on individualized medical data will be launched to revolutionize preventive medicine and individualized treatments. The system will analyze genetics, lifestyle, living circumstances, and environment to estimate the risk of developing diseases and recommend interventions. This innovative approach will improve early diagnosis, prevention, and personalized patient treatment plans. Pioneering advancements in oncology have already demonstrated the potential of AI in predicting health outcomes. The goal is to expand these models to address broader health challenges.


AI applications will change significantly in 2024, such as environment recovery, educational processes, and healthcare. When the advancement in AI continues, the future will be enhanced, paving the way for unimaginable possibilities that will change the current world. This is why it is essential to talk about AI’s ethical and responsible use, which will improve our lives and protect our environment.

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